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KARSTENSENS SKIBSVÆRFT A/S award Marine Supplies (International) Ltd the contract to supply Sonihull Anti Fouling Systems to 3 new builds in Denmark

Pelagic Trawler HG264 will have 2 x Soni8 Anti Fouling Systems installed to the vessels Box Coolers

Serene 441 will have 3 x Soni8 Anti Fouling Systems installed to the vessels Box Coolers

Strand Senior 445 will have 3 x Soni8 Anti Fouling Systems installed to the vessels Box Coolers

Box coolers having Anti Fouling Systems installed, saves the vessel owner not just money over the life of the vessel but all maintenance charges that occur when removing/replacing/refitting MGPS Anodes every few years. Costs have proven that up to 90% can be saved by installing Sonihull Ultrasonic Anti Fouling Systems.