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Bio fouling is a problem that many vessels at sea have been facing for hundreds of years. Marine growth such as barnacles and mussels can cause many problems such as; reduced speed due to extra drag, increased fuel consumption and propeller cavitation. All this can cause damage to the propellers and can result in expensive annual haul outs and repainting costs.


How does ultrasonic antifouling work?

The ultrasonic antifouling systems by NRG Marine use the latest digital electronics and ultrasonic transducer technology. It works by emitting multiple bursts of ultrasonic sound waves simultaneously in multiple frequencies, creating a pattern of alternating positive and negative pressure.

Microscopic bubbles are created from the negative pressure, while the positive pressure implodes them forming vapor cavities known as cavitation.

The result of the implosion is a micro jet action that creates a cleaning effect on the hulls surface below the waterline. It also resonates and destroys single cell organisms such as algae. Removing the initial link in the food chain prevents barnacles and other marine life to feed on the algae.


Is ultrasonic antifouling a new concept?

Ultrasonic antifouling isn’t a new concept, it has actually been around for three decades, although it has only recently been used in the marine industry. Prior to being used for the marine industry, the systems were used for cleaning dental and medical equipment, engine pats and on occasion, jewellery!


Do ultrasonic waves harm the environment or marine life?

After carrying out many studies, none have showed any danger to marine life.


To read a personal review on the Ultrasonic Antifouling system, click here.